Senin, 19 April 2010

Hublot Official Timekeeper and Watchmaker for FIFA 2010

South Africa is a bustle of activity preparing for FIFA 2010, which begins in just 52 days. Soccer balls are literally everywhere; swaddling the Hillbrow Tower, flanking the airport walls and popping up on hundreds of billboards far above the noise of jack hammers and lawn mowers. Stadiums in iconic shapes loom under the bright yellow African sky such as Johannesburg's calabash (an African pot) shaped stadium and Cape Town's Green Point Stadium a stone's throw from Table Mountain. Soccer trinkets emblazoned with FIFA 2010's lovable mascot, "Zakumi"- a soccer ball toting leopard with bright green hair- herald the games approach. Bright yellow and green T shirts have become quite a fashion statements as entire families don their teams attire. South Africa counts their sleeps as watches and clocks tick the coming of the games; however, once the games begin Hublot will track the time. Hublot's name will be on all timekeeping devices and time displays; in addition, Hublot will release wristwatches for the occasion.
So grab your vuvuzela, paint your face and get ready for a GOOOAAAALLLL.

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